devil may cry 3 is portrayed very well and is an absoluty fantastic game and looks exelent.

User Rating: 9.8 | Devil May Cry 3 PS2
devil may cry 3 insent that insanly hard if you play games like god of war than you'll trobolly not have to much trouble.

For the time that I played devil may cry 3 were some of the best time of my life . devil may cry 3 (now refferded as dmc from now on) insent that insanly hard the first boss was sorta hard I died twice and it took me 30 minutes to beat him but once you unlock the easy **** setting after dieing a few times start over on easy trust me you realy gotta. then the second boss fight I died once then I started over on easy so with out saying to much about my experence I talk about the actul game play.

Ok so heeps of enimes one of you have lots of kool wepons and guns kill them and send them back where they come from. so the gameplay looks exelent and is just plain fun also dante is very fast and monovrable. dante is cooler the story takes place before the first devil may cry and rocks the charcters have a unique personally and the cinematrics look really really really good. so the story is this arkon(new charcter works for vergil) shows up at dante's un-named store and assults dante and gives him an invotation to clim this huge tower and hight vergil the a bunch of demons show up you kick there ass and go forth to the tower. the action is very fast paste in this game and by the end of it you'll be and expert. and wanna playthrough multiple times

in summary devil may cry 3 is a huge success, best graphics I've seen on the ps2, great sound, exelent kombat so if you wanna get into the series
devil may cry is an exelent game to start of and if you loved devil may cry since the origional than pick the one up right now I know you'll find it better than the origional.