If you haven't already played the original version of the game, the premise is simple. Two half-demon brothers are at odds on who gets their father's power, and there is an outside force hoping to use this rivalry to claim the power for it's own.
The part about this game that really shines is the way Dante (and now Vergil) can deal out the beatings. There are multiple "styles" to choose from, each one specializing in one form or another. Trickster is a dodging style, Swordmaster adds a new set of moves to the melee weapons, Gunslinger allows additional attacks with guns, and Royal Guard lets Dante block attacks and release a large attack after blocking enough damage.
New to the SE are the Turbo option, a mode that sets the action to 120%. Bloody Palace, a one-thousand floor arena chock full of enemies. Difficulty setting have been more appropriately named, and a new difficulty level has been added. The biggest thing though, is the new playable character, Vergil. Vergil has his own move set, along with three weapons, and one style, which is similar to Dante's Trickster.
If you haven't played any games in this series and are looking for some crazy action game-play, involving simultaneous sword and gun wielding, you should definitely start with either this version of DMC3 or the original DMC. Since this game is a prequel, you won't be missing out on anything. All-in-all, a great game, tons of extras, and a budget price make this a must-buy for any action-loving PS2 owner. Let's rock baby!