One of Capcoms best games yet.
The good thing, this game is probably the best action/adventure game that I have ever played next to God of War. The bad thing, you need to get past the enormously hard default difficulty level, which is called normal, then once you die a few times, you can change it to what's thought of as easy. Do yourself a favor and die a few times to set it to easy, also, the health meter starts off fairly short and in about 4-6 hits, depending on the strength of the opponant hitting you, you have lost, which is all too bad, because if you tough it out, you'll understand what all the rave about this game is. Well, I got used to it alright, but after loosing countless times. If you are like me and many others, however, you will figure it out, and when you go back to replay those first few levels on a higher difficulty, you'll wonder how they ever gave you as hard a time as they did. Bottom line, this game is awesomely enormous, super fun, and extremely exciting. Graphicaly, the game beats the demons out of the earlier ones, plenty of pun intended, and the replay value is greater as well, which you'll have the best feature I definetly think that's new in this installment to thank, the ability to switch your weapons on the fly. This means no more having to stick with repetetive combos with one weapon at a time, pressing start to change your weapon from the options, then continuing with more repetetive combos limited to that one weapon you just changed to. You can switch guns with L2, and swords with R2, in the middle of all your devistating combos to add on to all of the carnage, and this time, the combos are only limited by your very immagination. Also, another great feature is the style selection at the beginning of each mission, and in between some missions at checkpoints. This includes Trickster, which is a style that focuses more on Dante's finess and acrobatic abilities, Swordmaster, which focuses more on his, you guessed it, sword weilding abilites, Gunslinger, same but with guns, and Royalguard, focusing more on his defensive skill. In each style, you have access to all weapons as equally and easily, but you gain more experience for a specific weapon type. In other words, if you play more in Gunslinger style, you will unlock Firearm upgrades faster and more easily than Swords, and vise versa. Plus all of the great classic and new costumes for Dante, and a bad-@$$ gallery mode, both of which are unlocked during play. Plus 2 more difficulty settings, Hard, and Dante Must Die. Apparently, the normal difficulty setting in the American version is the Hard setting in the Japanese version, was that some sort of sick, tasteless joke? Oh well. As complex as it is, it is that much more fun and entertaining. I can't say any more good about it. Fans of the series should definetly not miss out, and people who have never played a DMC game ever, should at least try it out if they have any action/adventure experience. By the way, this was a review for the original version of Devil May Cry 3, as in the Special Edition, it's much easier.