Thats right devil may cry 2, pay back.

User Rating: 10 | Devil May Cry 3 PS2
Please excuse any spelling errors in my review. I would like to start this review by saying this is the best game I've even played, including Halo. This game can hardly be described in words. I mean, I wouldn't be suprised if god himself designed this work of art and sent it down from the heavens. I would also like to say that I'm reviewing this game unlike I do most. I mean does giving a game a score based on 5 things really do it justice, not in my opinion. You should review a game based on how much fun you have when you play it. The gameplay does take a while to get used to, but thats only because your enemies fight like their lives depend on it, ironic really. For those players coming of a button masher like say.. god of war are going to get their buts kicked. But after you play this game for about 30 minutes or so you find yourself experiencing the most fluent action you've ever layed your eyes on. The satisfaciton you get after beating each group of enemies is unmatched. But its nothing compared to the bosses. Each boss has a very different stradegy which requires you to really think before you go in for the attack. Your encounters with vergil require a calm well timed stradegy, where as beowolf will have you franticly trying every possible stradegy you can conceive of. The graphics are the only portion of the game that devil may cry3 faulters. Don't get me wrong, they're still stunning but hardly flawless such as Metal Gear Solid or Doom 3. But, such things like the gorgeos blasts of ice from cerberus or the wave of your sword when its flying through the air. The sound is spot on. The voice acting is second to none and proves to immerse you in the games story. The games soundtrack is gothic during your times out of combat, metal during which, and orchestrel when a more of the plot is revealed. The way that the game transition between each other is amazing. And the timing for which is great. For instance if you are fighting one stragling enemie that you may have forgot to clean up the tune stays gothic. But if you hit a horde it immediatly switches. The only problem I had with the sound is that it used the same song every single fight in the game (excluding boss battles and the first time you encounter an enemie, such as the fallen).The song however is kicka**. The value of this game is amazing. It would be worth 50 dollars if all it had was a collection of the action-packed cutscenes. The replayablility is endless. Unlike most games, when up the difficulty the enemies get smarter and the game requires you to get better, not more cautious. This is why it alows you to carry everything you've earned including health ups, devil trigger, dt increaces, style points, and weapons to the next difficulty. So when you hit vergil on dante must die mode it does the same, but I dare you to try and hit him. I must admit this review may be a little bias. I am a huge fan of action adventure games. But even so, theres no way I would have given this game a 10 unless capcom or maybe god had done something very very well. So, the bottom line is, son't let this one pass you up. Under any circustances.