Devil May Cry 3 is simply put. One of the best action/adventure games you can buy for the PS2.

User Rating: 9.2 | Devil May Cry 3 PS2
My freinds call me a game critic. And I belive them because I give honest remarks about games. Devil may cry 3 is just one of those games thay you spend hours playing, not for it's story or anything but because it's just plain fun. Gameplay is DMC3's strongest aspect. The game allowes you to do hundreads of things to your opponents you wish you could do to that anoying little kid in school who always followes you and your freinds around just to B**ch. You can knock your opponents down and jump on them rideing them like a skateboard, or you can launch them into the air and whale on them with your guns and sword. But don't let this make you belive this weakens DMC3's difficulty as only true hard core gammers can best this game. When you play DMC3 you won't probably die. YOU WILL DIE! so if your the kind who get's all pissed whenever you lose and decide not to play anymor. GO KILL YOURSELF! and don't by this game. The story is about you as Dante, your favorite gun/slinging half demon mercinary out to get his brother Vergil. This makes the game start out being straight forward but the story eventually leads to a few plot twists that'll most likely intrest most people. The graphics in the game aren't renderd exceptionally well. But the cinimatics offer the most intense action you'll probably ever see. You thought the Matrix was good? wait to see this. The music in the game is great. If your tired of those games who try to give you a kind of heavy metal score to psyche you out. Well this game does it good. The music is very fit for the kind of action you pull off. Thou it can get repettitive at times. The game is worth buying if you truly belive your a good gamer and will sit down for hours unend dying and trying again but I sugest renting it first because only REALLY hard core gammers will understand how it works. However if you've played Ninja Gaiden or the other DMC games you'll understand how this game is difficult. Normally you'd think infinite ammo would make a game way to easy but definatly not this one. Overall you like hard games. You should get this. You like very action oriented games. You should get this. If you've just played DMC 1 and want more GET THIS GAME! it's not for everyone but it does a good job. Which is why we here at X-play givethis game... a 9.2 out of 10.