This is the greatest game you will ever play if you hang on and don't give up on it...extremely hard by the way!! did for the first few missions due to extreme difficulty and my stubborness about easy mode.....when I got a hang of the controls...this game became GODSEND!!!! Its amazing!!
The action is amazing...if you get a hang of it.Dante's slashes,twirls and shots are very stylish and this is rated by a Stylish meter that rewards with more souls and a better rating when you end the level.You will get quite a variety of melee weapons and guns which will be useful in certain situations and just great to look at in action!! Enemy and boss variety is good...from the cloaked phantoms which represent the seven sins to demonic chess pieces!!!
STORY 9/10 (sadly theres no rating for this...)
The story is about Dante and his twin brother,Vergil,who is up to no good...there are other characthers like the bald and sinisterrrrr....Arkham a.k.a Joker Dude and Lady a.k.a Mary who is a Bazooka totting hotty....yum!!
Basically,Vergil and Arkham are opening the gates to hell to obtain Sparda's (a.k.a Daddy to Dante and Vergil) power.There are quite a few twists here and there which makes the story good and solid.
The graphics aren't really incredible if compared to MGS3 but its the style that it is done in that deserves top marks!!! In the cutscenes,you will see Dante kick devil ass the stylish way!!!
Examples:Running down a tower while gunning demons outta the sky or riding up the same tower on a bike and using the bike to bash demonic **** What is more over the top and stylish??!!
SOUND 10/10
The sound is done well too...from the OOMPH!!! in Dante's weapons to the music which fits the dark gothic theme of Devil May Cry perfectly to the sounds of the demons....everything is top notch!!! The voice acting is great too...everybody sounds like they are supposed to sound from Dante's sarcastic voice to Vergil's more serious and sinister voice!! Its perfect!!
VALUE 9/10
This game is great!! Its totally worth it and one of the greatest action games to date!!! Replay value is great too since there are tons of stuff to unlock from special footage and Dante's costumes!!
OVERALL....this game is a masterpiece!!! No...masterpiece is not enough to describe this will certainly love this game and is a must have to any self respecting PS2 owner!!!