
User Rating: 8.4 | Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition PS2
yes this game is fun i played the other 2 they were fun also but this one top them both...well it is the lastest version..anyway onto the review

the gameplay in this game is fast and with alot of style and that is what DMC is known for, the combos are cool fast and easy to pull off, new styles like gunslinger swordmaster etc (some styles makes the game harder) there is about 6-7 styles which can give this game alot of replay value and you also get to play vergil which is pretty cool too. the graphics arent great but its pretty good for a console thats so old. the sound in this game is very rock and roll i guess this is what the game is all about hard hitting fast pacing action, the voice acting is suprisingly good. now i never played the first DMC3 i just played the remake and i gotta tell you i found it pretty hard and i was on normal i hate to see how hard it would be on dante must die..and i also heard this version is surpose to be those who beat the first one must of had one hell of a time.