Just a remake of the 3rd but really good.
Gameplay 9/10: The game is very fun to enjoy if you like demons and hell and rasing it....Shuddap it's kool and anyways the story is great and a prequil to the orignial (maybe that's why it's called Dante's Awakening). The game has some confusing controls sometimes when trying to perform special moves nut other than that it's straight on great.
Graphics 9/10: The graphics aren't the best in games but I think they're are still really great compared to some games (*cough* Windwaker). They are really great compared to some games and just overall superb.
Sound 9/10: The characters have unique voices but can tend to have cheesey lines like at the beginning where Dante's like "Let's Rock" to the grim reapers. But the dialouge overall is good and the voices too.
Value 10/10: Even though the game is so god damn hard, I think it's fun to play. Especially playing the games in order from 3,1,2 to see the story and just to enjoy it.
Tilt 10/10: A great game that's original and is great for fans of the games it obviously deserves a 10.
Overall a 9.5/10 which is higly reccomended especially for fans of the game and for a great sequel!