A Great Classic..........
So, I thought to find out what the fuss was all about. And so i have finished playing DMC 3 and at the end of the day or timeline(whatever you call it), i have to agree with them that DMC 3 > DMC 4 in almost all aspects.
You have more weapons. Rebellion and Agni & Rudra just rock. The laser gun (i never remember what its called) and The Lady's Rocket are just too good.
The story is Excellent. You have an equally powerful character apart from Dante. Which is no surprising as that character is Dante's brother Vergil. I would say Vergil has an edge over Dante because of his Lethal Katana type Sword.
The Lady is the daughter of one more character named Arkham who assists Vergil in releasing demons like him and dante from the outer world.
The goal of Dante is to stop that. The ending is EPIC.
The Graphics for that time was very good. But still not too impressive. I can name games like Sands Of Time, Warrior Within which came earlier but have superior Graphics.
The Puzzles in this game are again tedious to perform. Unlike the Prince Of Persia and God Of War games, DMC just fails to be right up there in the Puzzles point of view. But the other aspects like Combat its right up there.......sometimes even exceeds that level.
The Difficulty of DMC 3 is way more tougher than DMC 4. There is an easy mode which you can unlock only by completing the Normal Mode, which itself is a Hard Mode. The difficulty could have been made a little easier. I hear PS2 fans complaining about the easy difficulty of the special edition.......I think its better left to imagination about the Difficulty of the original Devil May Cry 3.
Oh! BTW! Special Edition lets you unlock cool special Costumes, play as Vergil which is fun.
Overall, DMC 3 is one of those Classics which is difficult to forget. Quite easily one of the best PS2 classics and one of the Best Action Adventure games.