Can keep an action lover playing even 3 years later.

User Rating: 9 | Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition PS2
Devil May Cry 3 brings in a whole new type of game play for the PS2. With a wide range of combo attacks and character that can destroy anything, this game seems well put together.
There are many fighting styles to choose from, all being very entertaining. You can choose to be a gun slinging bad***, a sword swinging bad***, and 4 other types of bad*** that will keep you playing for a long time until you've finally reached level 3. Not only will the new fighting styles in the special addition keep you entertained, a side battle can be chosen from after many boss battles. Remember that annoying Joker from the original Devil May Cry 3? This time you can choose to continuously beat him down for extra experience points, though he will never officially die because of his role in the end of the story, he is still a nice addition to the new DMC3.
We also get an even better look at Dante's brother, Vergil. This time, if you already have a save file from the original Devil May Cry 3, you are able to play as him from the start of the story. Even though Vergil has only one fighting style, he is equipped with enough weapons in his arsenal to take down anything that breathes, and more! Even though you go through the exact fights as Dante went through (with the exception of when they fight each other) the wide range of combos and enemies will keep you wanting more until you've leveled up to the mac. Overall, Devil May Cry 3 special edition is a game that should not be passed.