"Best Action Game for Ps2 - Bar None"

User Rating: 9.7 | Devil May Cry 3 PS2
This is it. Yet have I seen an action game so in depth. So full of mind splitting action. This game is so good, I own the original copy, and the Special Edition just for the extra content, and I've beaten both on their hardest difficulties. Everything that is amazing about Devil May Cry is encompassed within this game. The Story is amazing. The Action is amazing. And yes, the game is very difficult. But what is wrong with that? Finally a game worth sitting down, and actually becoming good at to beat! This usually scares people, but for me the challenge was all but short of amazing. In my opinion, God Of War has NOTHING on devil may cry 3. If your looking for an action game with mutliple weapons, combos, styles, and all out devil ridden action, than Devil may Cry series is for you. Don't let the difficulty shine you away from this near perfect game.