Very few games offer the challenge DMC 3 offers, and thats what makes it great.
DMC 3 is a very hard game. I will not lie about that, but that is what makes it great. There is no "introduction" to get you used to the gameplay, you are thrown straight to the wolves (or demons for that matter) from the very beginning. The difficulty is great because it forces you to spend your orbs wisely. You must use good balance between spending them on items or upgrades to build Dante up; otherwise you will be forced to replay old missions over again which, like I said earlier, aren't easy.
The game flows very nicely, and unlike most games nowadays, it's very unforgiving. The enemies in the first few missions are just as difficult as the enemies in the later missions.
The levels look great, and Dante has some cool attacks. Killing demons on each level is a fun, but can be tedious at times. However, the best part of the gameplay is the boss battles.
The boss battles are just incredible. Not only are they really, really hard, but their attacks light up the screen and it just looks amazing. The creativity put into the boss battles makes fighting them worth it, because they are hard.
Some issues with the game are: everything is really expensive. You WILL need to save orbs for an upgrade or an item, and unfortunatley many times you are forced to redo missions to gain red orbs and fight the bosses over again. Green orbs are rare when you are fighting. When you are being attacked by 50 demons in a small room, you are praying for one green orb, but you rarely get one, and if you do it's a very small one that gives you little life.
Overall, Devil May Cry 3 includes difficult demons, extremley difficult bosses, and the last boss in the game is by far the hardest. Future video game makers should take note of the formula DMC 3 used, it's what video games should be nowadays. There are too many games with mediocre level design, boss battles that are too easy, and enemies that aren't a big threat. DMC 3 is challenging in all aspects, which is what video games should be.