Capcom's latest installment in the DMC series is here & its a slick prequel to the original game...
Devil May Cry 3 is the newest installment in the DMC series from Capcom.And gratfully the DMC series has always been a Playstation-2 release title.When DMC-1 was first released it made sure to grab most audiences,it was fun and one of the best action games on the PS-2.The second one in the series unfortunately did not offer the same amount of fun as the first installment,and now Capcom's come up with Devil May Cry 3, which in many ways has improved most negitave aspects of the previous installments and takes its series to the next level.DMC-3 is a solid action game with memorable boss fights,addictive gameplay, tons of weapons, and a fighting style so unique its difficult to compare to anyother PS-2 title out there.
DMC-3's story is much better than any of the previous games.Since this installment isthe prequel it features Dante’s story before the first part,where his twin brother Virgil is desprite to open a portal to the demon realm and its up to Dante to stop him.DMC-3's story has quite a few twists and great characters you encounter along the game.This game also has some exhadurated cut-scenes that is definately an aspect boosting the games ego...
DMC-3's gameplay truly outstands the previous series,where you can choose from four styles before starting the mission,and eventually you unlock two more styles as you progress in the game.You can either be defensivey,offensive,a gun slinger,or dodge a lot and each style gives you extra moves that you can perform along with the moves you already have.DMC-3 has a great variety of weapons.You can now slay the deamons with nunchucks(one of my personal favourites),swords,and guitars,you can use shotguns,laser guns or even rocket launchers as your secondary weapon.
The enemies A.I is great and responds excellently depending on your reaction towards the them.DMC-3 no-doubt has one of the best boss battles like no other PS-2 game.The game contains 20 missions,and 12 secret missions.Another really awesome feature in DMC-3's gameplay is that you can use your primary and secondary weapons to create some great combos of your own aside from whats already set,but the gameplay will seem pretty complexed to you at first and will take some time to master,when you finally do,this game seriousely gets addictive and fun all the way.
Graphically Capcom has brought a big change to the DMC series in DMC-3,when it comes to richer textures and smooth cut-scenes DMC-3 provides us with just that.The only drawback is that this game suffers from framerate problems with many enemies on screen at once.But that can be excused since there are some pretty neat lighting effects in the game which make your overall experience more fun,with the detail quite a bit more incomparison to the previous installments,especially when slashing the enemies the sand effects are just rich.DMC-3 has some well made character models,and good enough environments.Another major change is the camera angle when most of the times you now have control over,unlike the previous games.DMC-3 has some excellent visuals from a PS-2's perspective and is definately one great looking game.
The sound of the game is definately an inhail,the game features some satisfying sound effects with occasional hard rock music played when encountered enemies,the music of DMC-3 is blended with great-looking cut-scenes and addictive gameplay overall gives you an exhilarating and memorable experience along with great voice acting.
Overall DMC-3 is one of the best action games out there,with some great fighting styles,addictive gameplay,smart enemies,cool moves,interesting cut-scenes,its just about everything you could want from an action game.If you’r into action games, then you definitely must give this game a try.This game has enough replay value to keep you busy for a while.