Nero, the new character, takes on the spotlight in the new installment of the Devil May Cry . Is it the best so far?
User Rating: 7 | Devil May Cry 4 X360
Demons, magic, transforming, insane moves with weapons, insane weapons and a new character. Devil May Cry 4 is not as good as the first or third installment but better by the second by a long shot. You play as Nero, a kick ass demon hunter working for a group trying to stop the attack of demons. But that goes right out the window when the bad ass, Dante, smashes through the ceiling and shoots His Holiness. You then take on missions trying to capture Dante and close the hell gates. But here comes the cheap part of the game...devil bringer. On human mode you can easily destroy the enemy with one or two slams to the ground. On devil hunter mode, maybe four slams. Other than that, Nero is a great part of the DMC4. Bosses are challenging, most of them, and you can play as Dante himself. Now Dante goes through all the same levels as Nero does except backwards and a little challenging without the devil bringer. But Dante is still a super cool man we knew and love from the third installment. The storyline makes no sense in my opinion. Its too confusing but I understand why Nero, Dante and Trish is in the game. Devil May Cry 4 isn't bad but just disappointing for a big fan. Nero still has the same moves like Dante but just changed at little bit. Example when Nero goes forwards and moves the Red Queen across the stomach's of his enemies, that is Dante's stinger. WAY TO LAZY IN HIS MOVES!!!! DMC4 is still a good game but Capcom needs to step up in order to get another game. DMC5 must be better than this game! But for Devil fans you will be disappointed.