Awsome awsome graphics awsome farcade like fighting Collosol boss battles what more could you want?
User Rating: 9.5 | Devil May Cry 4 X360
All i can say about DmC4 is that its A-W-S-O-M-E good all around game for the 360 wether your new to the DmC game play or a noobie its got some thing for you wether its the fighting the boss battles or the little puzzle like missions in the game it is very well rounded alothogh there is alot of beating up the same monsters it makes up for that with incredible fight sences and boss battles even the cut secnes look like game play wich makes you feel more like your playing the story out and there is even a little of a MMO style feel to the game trying to get more money so that you can upgrade and get better moves to beat a boss it requires a little strategy and some thinking witch makes the game play more challenging and keeping up with its name as being said to be one of the hardest games out there it is surtenly challenging at some points but you feel inspired by the carechters personality to keep going on espesioly witht he newest charecter Nero a "hoodlem" with a who gives a F*** attitude makes you more bad ass then the demons and devils you fight not to mention you get to be half demon but i wont spoil it for the rest of you. you will have to play and see and alotho i got the Red ring of death playing this im gunna give it a very good rating of 9.5 outta 10