first of all just seeing the game is pure entertainment..the graphics is top notch,nothing that can be compared to any other fantasy action 3rd person,it is in every way the highest..the environment details and the visuals are totally mind-blowing.then comes the action in the game,adding to the characters,both NERO and DANTE are perfectly made and playing the game as both is pure fun and thrilling.well balanced moves for each character goes well with the story line.plently of boss battles, nero the character and his moves, storyline, music, levels and visuals are all great along with awesome cut videos which add up with some cool dialogues and actions make it all spectacular to watch and play along..i played this one on the pc recently and for those of you who are playing on the pc please dont hate the game coz of the controls or the keyboard,its time for you to buy the xbox 360 controller for that will alone will change this game ..or its time to move on to the xbox 360..HATS OFF..!!
At first I should say I waited for this game for nearly 2 years because I was one of the biggest fan of devil may cry series .my major concern was about XBOX 360 version but after finishing the game I understood that th... Read Full Review
Devil May Cry 4...I've heard the rumours that DMC3 was very hard, but I can tell you that this game is a lot more comfortable. It's also one of those games I really can't find the correct words to describe. It's an aweso... Read Full Review