This is the 1 of the greatest games I ever played in my life.It is just a great game!!
Combat 10/10
I have seen many combos and combat systems in my life but these combos are truly incredible.Yo have soooooooo many choices how to deal some damage to your opposition you can just shoot but you can have a powerful shot aswell,you just do the novice combo or if learnt it you can do a more powerful and smashing combo with the sword.You can jump into the air and pull your enemies to you so you can deal damage while not touching the ground with your feet.
Graphics 9.5/10
The graphics are very good and very clean but I cannot say that they are the best cause I have seen a bit smoother graphics in some games.
There are lots of Deamons to smash,but the boss fights aren't hard they are easy to be honest.There are 2 main characters in the game which you will be able to play with Nero and Dante.In the game it is said that Dante is much stronger than Nero,but when you will get to play Dante you will realise that Nero is much much easier to control and I know the reason why.You see Nero has a Demonic arm which is incredibly powerful weapon but Dante's arms aren't the same like Nero's so you aren't able to use them.
Thank's have a good time playing DMC4!