A superb story with great gameplay, devil may cry rocks!!!

User Rating: 9 | Devil May Cry 4 X360
this game is definitly one of my favorites for the time being.

The idea of bring Nero into the series was truly clever and still keeping dante in aswell, they can really get away with saying all of their coky remarks, however corny they are. but anyway i thinl that the gameplay is great. i thought that there could have been a few more combos but the amount of moves and abilities makes up for it. dante ould have had a few more combinations for the pandoras box, unless there is some kinda secretive ones that i dont know about or something.

really really good graphics especialy on cutscenes there is very good detail put into almost every item. the only thing i could ask for is "could they put more enemies in to the next game and make them a bit weaker so that it is realistic when you kill them and so that they can put more CPUs into one room" thats not to much is it??

graphics 8/10
gameplay 9/10
freedom 6/10 :(
story 10/10!!!