A game with a very arcady feel. May not be for everyone.

User Rating: 8.5 | Devil May Cry 4 PS3
Story: This game follows the tale of Nero, an ambitious knight who was sent to find the myserious assassin who killed Sanctus. (Psssst! The assassin is Dante!) Instead of a right arm, Nero has a demon arm, called a buster. He uses it to give hell to all who opposes him. He's also damn good with a blade. About halfway through the game, you switch characters. And who do you switch to? Surprise, surprise, Dante. Dante is of course, your friendly neighborhood badass who hunts demons. When you play as Dante, you backtrack from where Nero lasts enters and proceed backward, fighting the same bosses with essentially different techniques. When you beat each boss, Dante gets a different weapon. Finally, Dante faces off against the final boss, which I'm not gonna spoil.

Gameplay: I found it to be solid, if not repetitve. Fighting the same bosses gets does get boring. That said, fighitng normal enemies is always a blast thanks to the Style system. As you chain combos and avoid attacks, you gain style points. This gives it an arcady feel and makes you want to look past its faults. There are 6 difficulty levels, although only two are available right off the bat. They are Human and Devil Hunter. In order to unlock the next one, Son of Sparda, you must beat Devil Hunter. After you beat Son of Sparda, you get Dante must Die mode, where regular enemies can Devil Trigger if you don't kill them fast enough. After you beat that, you get Heaven or Hell mode, where your enemies die in one hit, but you do too! After that is the final one, Hell or Hell. In this near impossible mode, you die in one hit, but your enemies have the strength and health of Son of Sparda mode. Good Luck!

Final Grade: B+