Devil May Cry is the latest installment in the Devil May Cry franchise, and features a new protagonist, Nero.
So, please bear in mind that this is the first DMC game I have fully played, so I don't know of any improvements from older games. Anyways, after many beautiful cinematics you start of as Nero, fighting someone with a lot of resembelence to Dante. You who are used to playing Dante from the older DMC games might notice that this boyo has a different aresnal of weapons then him, but he has a sword called Red Queen which he can 'accelerate', giving it the possibility to charge up and do some devastating attacks. He also has this double-barrel revolver called Blue Rose which is "capable to fire two bullets almost simultaneously". Now all of this can be can be compared to the Rebellion and Ebony and Ivory, but then along comes Nero's Devil Bringer. His right arm is a large demonic arm, which can be used to beat enemies into oblivion, or can be upgraded to eject, and grab a demon which it brings back to you. It can also be used to make powerful Buster moves, which sometimes can be quite simple against normal foes, but practically devastating towards bosses.
The gameplay, the gameplay..It's still that quick, cinematic battles which we have fallen in love with in Devil May Cry, and I really can't see anything bad with it. The only personal annoyance I can find with the game is it's unability to block enemy attacks (The only way out is to dodge them), so if you're used to blocking attacks and being able to stand still with just pressing one button, be ready to change your way of gaming. Now, one thing that might be a bit saddening about this game is that it can be slightly linear. When you reach about halfway of the game, I felt it as if the game almost started over, only this time you were playing it backwards. Yeah, you play through every level in the game again, only backwards. Now, I saw this as a bit saddening, as even the bosses were the same. But, the fighting and the game itself is very, very enjoying, so the majority of the game could've been just a gray room and Dante slicing demons and I would've found it enjoying.
There is not too much to say about the graphics. They're beautiful, the whole game runs very smooth and the cinematics are just spectacular. The only thing I've noticed is that it looks a bit weird when someone gets their chest penetrated by a sword, and there's not even a mark on the clothing. Okay, they might be demons and there is no visisble wound, but correct me if I'm wrong, is there clothing that could withstand a blade being thrust at 70 mp/h straight into it and it would hold? Not even Gore-tex.
Now the items in the game are something that you will most probably recognize from earlier games. You have your currency, the red orbs, which is collected from enemies and bosses in the game. You also have the green orbs, which replenish your health. You have the blue orbs, and the blue orb fragments, which permanently increases your maximum health. You also have the purple orbs which increase your total magic, the silver orbs which replenish your magic and the gold orbs which will ressurect you if you die. Items can also be bought from the shop with your red orbs, and in there you can finds different coloured "stars" which will either replenish your health or your magic, depending on the colour. Now, the biggest change with items from the previous games is that you no longer buy your character skills from the shop with red orbs. You buy them with Proud Souls, which you gain after every misson depending on how well you have finished the mission.
Yeah, as before, you get a rating from completing every mission, influenced by how long you took to complete the mission, how many stylish points you recieved and how many orbs you found. The worst rank is D. After that it can raise up to C, B, A and finally S-ranking. The same with the in-game combos, only there you can raise the rank above S. Deadly, Carnage, Brutal, Atomic, Smokin', Smokin' Style and Smokin' Sick Style.
Now to add in with all this, you have quite challenging achievements (But it also gives inspiration for several replays of the game), a possibility to upload your scores on each level online so that you can compare your awesomeness with other players and unlockable game modes (Such as survival). All in all, Devil May Cry 4 is an awesome game, and if it weren't as repetetive, it could have easily gotten a higher score. But, either if you're a fan of the DMC franchise, or just a newbie to the series and just want some insane hack and slash, you will find what you seek in Devil May Cry 4.