Devil May Cry 4 is an adrenaline rush from beginning to end.
Graphics: The graphics have to be seen to be believed they are astonishing. Clean visuals, great lighting effects, rich color, etc. Character models are unique and stylish. Fighting Credo on Dante Must Die Mode with his eyes glowing dark purple as he swings his sword and cuts the ground is crazy. The cinematic scenes are so tight they have to be seen even if you beat the game ten times you'll still want to watch them.
Sound: The sound effects are solid even if the soundtrack gets annoying after awhile, but if you're a DMC fan your use to it by now. Sword slices, gun shots, enemy screams all sound terrific.
Controls: The controls are good for Dante but, when your using Nero its best to change your controls. Make square/devil bringer & R2/Gun. This allows you to charge the gun while you swing your sword. This is a must to get Stylish ratings faster. It takes awhile to get use to but it's worth it.
Overall: The game is noticeably easier than past titles even on harder difficulties. Son of Sparda and Dante Must Die are the best ways to play the game. Boss fights are very fun to play, but they get repetitive since you have to fight some more than THREE TIMES!!!!!!!!!!! I can beat most bosses without taking damage because I've fought them so many times.