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User Rating: 9 | Devil May Cry 4 PS3
This game is one you will spend many hours going through. The opening scene alone lets you know that your in for one heck of a ride. The gameplay if a little different then the others. The Death Bringer makes combos look really nice. You can unlock all kind of fun stuff. At the end of the mission your total score is evaluated and then you receive your souls which you can use to unlock new skills for your sword, gun, and death bringer as well as your basic ability's such as running jumping and dodging. The story is pretty good and Solid. Some of the dialogue from a couple cut scenes are horribly corny but what game dosent have some now a days? If you never played the series before there is an auto option that will help you with your combos. For those who injoy a challenge the harder difficulty is for you just be careful though as if you get stuck you cant switch the difficulty. You have to start a whole new game and go from there. This game is simply great and you wont be upset at this one.