Alright looks like I got some time to kill.....TO PLAY THIS AMAZING DMC GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS MIND NUMBING!!!!
graphics: wow....just wow the visuals and cutscenes are wonderful. never seen a PS3 game look SOOOOOOOOO WICKED!
gameplay: *bounces around the room* you know back in DMC3 when you could only have one style at a time and have to switch it at a divinity statue? WELL NO MORE NOW YOU CAN SWITCH BETWEEN DANTE'S 4 STYLES ON THE GO!!!! just think of the amazing combo's you can pull off. and cant forget about teh amazing devil bringer (its for nero) i dont want to spoil anything. youll find out for yourself.
sound/music: its awesome need i say more?
replay value: pfft you can play this game over and over again to your hearts content! higher difficulties, harder enemies/bosses. its AWESOME AND A HALF! oh and im a vet and even on normal it gave me a challenge. and that doesnt happen to often. :D so dont expect this game to be easy.
all in all dont rent this game buy it! if your into hack n slash games like this with an awesome story and making STYLISH COMBO's during gameplay.
but in the end its your choice and your judgement to what you think about this game. i think its better then perfect! this game DESERVES AN 11!
well thats all for now! until next time! ;)