Dmc4 Is everything you expected and a little more.
Devil may cry 4 is set around a group called the order of the sword. the people of this order and the people who follow them, worship the demon Sparda as a god. Any Dmc fan worth his guns knows that Sparda , the father of Dante, is not a bad guy and that he really is a valiant hero. but despite that, the guys in the order don't seem to be as up right and truthful about their operations. you start off as Nero a member of the holy knights which seems to be the army of the order. thats the surface story and as you begin to scratch at it things only get better. also since this game has about 120 mins of cut scenes there you will find an ample supply of story.
Nero plays a lot like Dante but where Dante has his styles that are pretty much preset, Nero's moves and abilities are like one big custom "style" you can upgrade his sword if you like sword master more or his guns if you like gunslinger more Etc.
From then on its just more DMC the major change here is Nero. this game gives you pretty much more of the same action and great story, a wide array of difficulty levels and your monies worth in replay value with modes likes bloody palace(survival mode) and a slew of other unlockables.
If you were on the fence as to whether or not to buy this game then please allow me to give you the final push, Buy this game. if you are new to the series and your afraid of getting lost in all the back story you have missed then don't worry because there is not a lot of mention of previous story points in this game and what ever is mention is explained very well.
In the end this game is well put together and is a must buy for anyone who enjoys hack and slash beat em ups.