A great sequal in the Devil May Cry series although moves become kinda repetative.

User Rating: 8.5 | Devil May Cry 4 X360
Gameplay: The gameplay in this game isn't what I'd call the best since all you do is hit the same buttons over and over to activat your sword, gun, or the demonic arm. In any case the actions work fluently throughout the game and Nero has one of every type of weapon being sword, gun, and arm whereas Dante has three gun and sword pairs. All enemies and bosses are somewhat easy but when hit alot of time, points, life, and style is lost.

Graphics: Top of the Line

Sound: Great

Character: The character design, voices, and personalities are shown well and are easy to relate too.

Achievments: This is not a game for those just looking for acheivments when some want S ranks for all the missions on every difficulty of the game or getting one million red orbs and proud souls not only will have you playing through the game at least 15 time but also stop you from buying new combos or health items. In any case not the game for acheivments.

For anyone looking for a game with a good story, weird enemies, and aren't bothered by repetative gameplay this is a game for you. Also score would be higher but I personally get annoyed with repetition if playing through multiple missions at once when there are 20 missions.