This is one sharp demon slashing mania going on here, you don't want to miss!
Gameplay- 9/10 x3
Graphics- 10/10 x2
Sound- 9/10 x2
Storyline- 8/10 x2
Extra's and Replay Value- 10/10 x1
First off this is the 4th game in the the Devil May Cry series, but you do not have to play the others to enjoy this game. This is my first game of the series and nothing confused me, maybe interest me a bit and read up on it like who is Trish and Dante and such, but overall its a solid game on its own. You use a boy name Nero who has a demon like arm and can crush demons and such in seconds along with his trusty sword and gun. Dante is even more insane with his large amount of weapons he can use, I won't ruin what they are, but there preety insane. Each character has there own combo's they can preform, its preety basic in the long run but its a beatem-up style of play and so its what it is. Still it gives you enough different combo's to not make it seem to get old. Graphics are probly the best part of this game, as I thought nothing could beat Heavenly Sword, well not yet anyway, but this game is on par with that game and looks just breath taking. The sound is awesome, but not alot of tracks you would really like, but nothing you will hate either. The main random battle music is like a rock song in the background and is preety good but after hearing it again and again you can get why actually songs arn't normally used in random battles. Still I found the best music to be the plant boss. Storyline is preety sharp and makes you wanna keep going, with lots of cutscenes, but having to replay area's you already did in REAL MUST DO gameplay is not really fun and having to fight the same bosses again and again x3 just through the normal game can be annoying. Luckly at least one of the those fights is with Dante who is different enough to make it seem like not a total repeat. The game overs several modes to choose from and each time you unlock more pictures, and information along with the blood palace stage which is preety much a big stage in the air where you fight a group of monsters and then go to the next stage, basic but can be fun if you just want to let loose.
Overall- 91/100 or for gamespot 9.0/10
Killer game and one of the great new games to come out this year that should not be missed.