It had spunk...then it had backtrack, same bosses...and only 7 levels as Dante?? What no extra Techniques????????
Lets Roll.....
The Great: New character to play as Nero!!! Not whiny as Raiden on MGS2...but nero is more like a young Dante from DMC3(but less A$$holeish about things). He only has 4 weapons...His arm which does Devil Bringer, Blue Rose Revolver, Red Queen Motorcycle Handle Sword...and last but not least Devil Trigger (not like Dante though). All of this you never need to switch weapons at all, Devil Trigger is interesting and new concept (in my opinion), and You get used to his combat methods for the first half of the game. Legend Character Dante..Plays more like Dante from DMC3&(3SE) but this time around some of his moves are more refined plus able to switch different styles with the d-pad including Dark Slayer (after reciving Yamato). Dante does a great job as a character, voice acting is on the dot, graphics are wise and well done, gameplay is fresh to a point. boss battles are always as crazy as they have ever been...the bigger the better. :D
The Letdown: First off....Dante only played in 7 of his "10" levels, Dark Slayer style i think needed some more moves than the 3 different methods that Dante gets to use when he equips the sword. I wish the Game could have been longer (especially if Bluray can take more content than the HDDVD discs that the 360 uses) Sorry 360 fans...but if i were capcom i would had made a longer version for PS3 just to load the disks to the max capacity.....where was I ohh yea.....Nero could have had some more moves with the Devil Arm (my opinon) i mean...yessss i loved the grab and snatch or the uppercut and downpunch method....but what about squeezing enemies to a pulp or even charge "slam dunk" punch....arm goes red for max impact. I think capcom could have had gone all out for the PS3 version with the same budget they put into work for both system versions of the game itself. Lady and Trish barely had any part of the game which also made me a little edgy...
So far i played a bit of bloody palace....i haven't got far yet since school is in session...someone let me know how the farther levels are. and the harder modes. :D
..but forgiveness is better than breaking a controller on the floor...because Ones mistake can be learned by others...but bettered with time.
I forgive capcom for, I forgive them for not using all of the memory of the blu ray disk.
thanks for reading my review...if you felt like it.