DMC 4 is a great game for players of all skill levels and is definately worth the $60!

User Rating: 9 | Devil May Cry 4 X360
The DMC series has come a long way since the beggining and DMC 4 definately lives up to the reputation. With a new character known as Nero, players get to play the game a bit differently for about half the game, but Nero is just as smart-mouthed and slick as previous protagonist Dante. The game is filled with awesome looking cutscenes, graphics, and wicked boss fights. The game isn't too easy, but poses quite a challenge for any players who like one.

The games story is quite entertaining. Long story short, Dante comes in to take out a diabolical order before they can end the world, and Nero aids him once he finds out the true plans of the order, but in this whole mess, Nero's girlfriend gets captured, and then a rescue mission is in place. Now some people say that this story is a bit plain, but its all a matter of opinion. And for the dialogue, i had no problem with it. Dante and Nero are both always slick at the mouth, but like i said, its a matter of opinion of how the player his/herself views the dialogue. (i personally liked it)

and to my favorite part, the gameplay. The games fighting system is so in depth, you find yourself having a blast hacking and slashing away at the hordes of demons coming your way. Neros fighting can sometimes get a little simplistic, but Dantes is so much more deep and intense, with 4 different fighting styles, and many different melee weapons, it makes the game much more enjoyable to play.

and on a final note, i think this game is an instant classic, in-depth fighting system, beautiful cutscenes, entertaining story, and awesome characters, this game is definately worth the $60, and a high score of a 9.