Hello well I must say this game is worth getting.
User Rating: 9 | Devil May Cry 4 PS3
This game is perfect with it's boss fights and it's style moves.The new hero Nero shows us what power is with his demonic arm he offers new moves that destroy demons and flawless combos.This game has great cut-scenes of power and love showing gamers it is not about fighting for no reason it is about fighting for something.Nero must go and venture through this terrible demon filled world to save the one he loves.He meets legendary demon hunter Dante they do not get along well,but they learn to make it threw they must fight together.They battle strong and powerful bosses witch keeps gamers on their heels as gamers must battle bosses with Nero,Dante, and Nero again but it is worth it when Dante gets powerful weapons one that has the power to change into different weapons known as Pandora's Box and others as well. As the story continues Nero saves the one he loves and wins the battle against the demons him and Dante say goodbye until the next time the demons appear.