DMC what can i say....ITS AMAZING
2nd the gameplay: the gameplay is just what u want out of a DMC game devil form and kicking ass! so "nero" has a sword which u can charge and then unleash its power and has a gun that charges and gets stronger "will be useful later one in the game" and later on u get devilform for as for danta he is my fav!.he has his sword that waz passed down 2 him from his father "sparda" well danta can charge the sword and then throw it and his 2 pistols which r very popular rightnow and they r the best out of the other 3 guns u have and u have 3 swords well not all 3 r swords 1 is dantas sword the other is boxing gloves and shoes and the other one is a devilish sword making deathnote swords the stick 2 ur target and the blow up in them which is very fun 2 play with and the u have dantas styls which can be trigerd by the D-pad there is swordmaster-gunmaster-trickster-royalgaurd.
next are the GFX: the GFX are just amazing 2 look at with a stuning stable 60fps(frame rate per second) and there is this lvl that u play in which has amazing lighting its a jungle and the sunshafts r amazing.
last is there a replay value?
HELL YES!! which can be the ultimatly hard difs or the bloodypalece which is this place where u fight and pick ether danta or nero and play more then 99stages i think.. and u kill lots of bad guys oh and no loading times for the swiching with stages.
so overall its a game u would like 2 buy spend lots of times playing it. hope u enjoy and that my review helped:D .