Devil May Cry 4 brings the stylish hack-n-slash back in a sleek, sick fashion.
Quite possibly the best Devil May Cry to date. Why? Because of...well...everything. The story is gripping and fantastic. The love that Nero and Kyrie have is portrayed through many ups and downs, and of course a climax and happy ending. The bond they share sucks you in and you're able to feel what Nero is feeling. Not very many games have that ability anymore. The way they tied Dante and Nero together was also clever. The conflict begins immediatley, and escalates as the story continues. The story is not the only thing that will keep me playing the game. The story only last through one playthrough. But, the gameplay is where DMC4 shines. Nero as a new addition is amazing. His combo system works marvelously, and in some cases, better than Dante's. But with said, the new weapons Dante possess are fun and challenging. The only area where DMC4 falls short on in my opinion is the difficulty and lack of DLC. I would love to play some new missions and potentially have new weapons, but I guess I will have to wait until DMC5 for that. The difficulty of this game can be punishing at times, especially when you jack it up. Regardless, DMC4 is a game that no hack-n-slash fan should be without, and DMC fans will cherish for a long, long time.