The HD collection of Devil May Cry lacks the polish of other collections, but is still a good purchase.
Overall, the games play exactly as you remember them. Looking back, I would rate them a little different than I used to. The first Devil May Cry would get a solid 8 considering it's what started it all. However, when compared to later versions, especially 3 and 4, the first game really shows a lack of moves compared to the newer versions.
Devil May Cry 2 would get a 6 since it lacks many of the traits that define the series such as Dante's cocky attitude. Of course, Devil May Cry 3 is the special edition which I would give a 9 for its deep combat and satisfying story.
The collection comes with the obligatory trophy support which is always fun considering it gives you even more reason to return to the series roots. However, outside of concept art and music tracks, there are no real extras. This is a very bare bones collection.
Even more disappointing is the transfer work. The company that worked on this did a shoddy job. Menus and cut scenes lack 720p. They're boxed on the sides and suffer aliasing issues. I was really disappointed with how this was done in the end. The series deserves a much better transfer. The gameplay and graphics do run smoothly at 720p so it's not a complete disaster. It also doesn't require an install to the hard drive (*ahem* Silent Hill collection).
Overall, it's decent in the end. It's not great however. There is a definite lack of emphasis in the collection. Overall, it's worth the purchase to experience the games that defined the series. Just don't come looking for much more than the games themselves.
The Good: All three games for a low price, gameplay is excellent, trophy support.
The Bad: Menus and cut scenes aren't in 720p, some unsightly graphical blemishes here and there, very little added content.