This game start a new genre in gaming history and it did it great.

User Rating: 9 | Devil May Cry (Platinum) PS2
Stylish menus, minimalistic load times, great cut-scenes, and tons of attitude make the presentation awesome.

There is a wee bit of flickering and some jaggies to be seen, but they're heavily outweighted by brilliant architecture, level design, and dark, attractive enemy design.

Industrial and heavy rock kick in during battles, and deliberate but good voice-acting carries the cast.

Great, quick, responsive control is mixed with very good camera angles (that occasionally bug). Newer weapons and upgrades add great depth.

TILT 8.5
Dozens of secret games, and various difficulty levels make this a great, long-term game, plus it's about 10-15 hours.


These are all the headlines of all departments of this great game. With these you can't get enough of this game and after you finish it you want immediattly play the continue.

P.S:The review system is like old GS system which means:
Every department rating (Value, Graphs etc...) begin from the source rating which is 1.0 point.

Value has +0.1 points on overall rating when the value rating has +1.0 points form the source rating.

Graphics has +0.2 ponits

Sounds has +0.1 points

Gameplay has +0.3 points

Tilt has +03. points