Dante is the man....

User Rating: 9.4 | Devil May Cry (Platinum) PS2
My Response: Dante the Protagonist of the game Devil May Cry is basically a Half-human half-demonish devil who in this case is actually a good guy with evil attributes. He has the whole rockstar looks and the action of a badass, DMC is a great game that can be played over again(if wanted) for extra difficulties, and other things, The control could have been better if there was an customanization menu for the players needs...

Graphics are great (even though game was relased in 2001)

Story is good, though How did Dante come about? and who is Vergil (don't find out who Vergil is until DMC3)

What i would have thought of back in the day (is this all the arms he needs?? and moves... why does yamato (if you play Sparda) works the same as Force Edge??

Overall the Game itself is great and overwhelming fun.