what a load of ******* crap.....review....

User Rating: 3 | Devil May Cry (Platinum) PS2
i hate games that dipress the gamer til he cant play anymore the feeling in this game makes you dipressed and im not going to play games like that the gameplay is very nice but i couldnt keep up as this game was too dark now when you play a game like prince of persia the sands of time you feel good!!cus it has fun atmosphere(just as good as the disney interactive games) god of war was a great game becuse he had tons of beautifull places to walk they were amazing and the story was amazing here and in both other sequals the story is stupid the combo system gets repetative and dull the voice acting were unbalivebly bad cheesy and childish.the only possible good thing in the game is the graphics and speed but when all other stuff dipress me down i wouldnt toch this game even for a second.if you gotta have an action adventure game that came out in 2005 or 2006 i recommend god of war very good.if your just looking the best adventure game ever then i say with no doubt prince of persia the sands of time is the best one it made me buy hes sequals even thou i didnt like the second one(the third is awsome!!!!)

in the bottom line i can say when i play video games im coming to enjoy myself to smile and having fun with friends but this game was just dipressing by any possible way.my advice not to come near this stupid game. a 3.0 out of 10 just to be nice...