Excellent. DMC is quite possibly the most perfect action title ever. DMC came onto the scene, and just smacked Onimusha!
It's one of those titles...you know the kind. Remember when we were kids, and we were tricked into buying games based off the cool artwork on the cover? Well i was at least. For a lot of years the artwork always promised more than the game with it's limited technology could deliver. I.E. the fantasy was always better than the reality. DMC is a perfect example of a game that shocks you, then slaps you and says, "yeah! i told you i was that good, and you didn't listen. Now what'chu got to say?!"
DMC also managed to have a really good and engaging story, and the difficulty was varied to gear to every skill level out there. Action titles usually don't do this. It's a classic, and should be required in any respectable library.