very good game should be checked out by anyone who likes action adventures.

User Rating: 9.6 | Devil May Cry (Platinum) PS2
This is one of the first games that really got me into video games. It is defiantly a game that would keep anyone action adventure fan occupied for a good amount of time. The gameplay is very good and the thing that makes this game even better is it has a very intresting story line to go along with it. The graphics look good for the time period of it being made. Once you get to the second level of the game and obtain the weapon alastar you gain the ability to use devil trigger whcih transforms you into a demon for a short period of time. While in your demon state your speed is increased as well as attack and your heath bar slowly regenerates. Value of this game can last longer or shorter depending on if you would just like to run through the game or stop and collect the red orbs to help upgrade your weapons to learn new fighting moves. You can also play the game on different difficultys after you beat one you move up to the next. Beating the game on higher difficutlys gets you hidden material. There are no really frustrateing sequences where you will have to try over and over again to do. Overall this game is really good and one of capcoms best