Devil May Cry :....I'ts a bad ass game to play, Talk about kick ass its got everything to make a good game.....Play on!

User Rating: 9.4 | Devil May Cry (Platinum) PS2
Devil May Cry notice how bad guy's always seem to pick secluded castles or ancient dungeons to come back to earth in? why?...If those damn demons they surround themselves with can only be killed by special weapons or chosen people, whats the problem? If I was a demon entering the world, I'd show up in New York, announce my presence to the world, then hand out numbers for the good guys to come and get thir asses kicked. And not just one or two of my minions will attack each at once, I am tarking about small armies with huge ass back up for each individual hero.Devil May Cry is the efforts from the creators of Resident Evil. But don't expect it to be anything like that though,Devil May Cry is pure sword-slicing,gun-shooting, enemies-falling-before-you-like-threshed-wheat masterpiece. I think this is the first game for the playstation 2 where its easy to look cool and kick ass at the same time.