The definition of a brilliant sword and gun game.

User Rating: 9.3 | Devil May Cry (Platinum) PS2
There have been many games developed which combine sword slashing with gun’s but often these games are never quite as successful as the developer wants them to be. Devil May Cry changes all this by being an absolutely amazing game with some excellent quirks to it.
In the game you play as a demon hunter named Dante who is half demon himself. Dante gets clues leading him to a island where the lord of the “underworld” plans to open a portal and unleash all the evil creatures onto the earths surface.
These creatures range from evil marionettes to witches with scythes and lets just say their the tip of the iceberg.
To eliminate these foes Dante must use his sword and gun by using combos, which are incredibly fun to do and when enough foes have been killed, you can choose to transform Dante into a half devil and unleash havoc on the foes of darkness.
This is an incredibly fun game play tool and when combined with some of the other weapons you will gain in the game makes this an incredibly fun quirk.
The graphics of the game are truly amazing considering this game came out during the early days of the PS2 and with the brilliant sound the game has, it gives the game incredible presentation.
As for the lifespan of the game, DMC will take the average gamer between 10 to 20 hours on the 1st run-through and then there is the added difficulty modes and the extras which can be earned by completing these extremely challenging difficulty modes.
Capcom have really proved that they are capable of producing great games without the need of putting lots of flesh eating zombies in this product and to summarise Devil May Cry is a amazing gaming achievement and no PS2 owners game library should be complete with out it.