Devil May Cry is an enjoyable, action-packed game that is a must buy for all action-adventure fans

User Rating: 9.5 | Devil May Cry (Platinum) PS2
Devil May Cry truly a game that all action-adventure fans must have. You play the main role as the mercenary Dante, who secretly hunts down demons for a living. Whats adds a certain twist to this game that others don't have is the use of both swords and guns. This is one reason why this game is like no other. You can choose to either stand back and fire from a distance, or get upclose and personal with your sword. For a somewhat short game, the story is very understandable and not confusing. You need to stop a great demon lord from arising to the human world. Your adventure takes place at Mulle Island, a gothic castle that provides an eerie setting that fits perfectly in the game. While in the castle, you fight of hoards of lesser demons and creative boss fights. These enemies provide the game with much action and just as much fun. Plus, if your enemies seem to be getting the best of you, you can transform into a deadly demon state to bring down the pain. But when its all said and done, Devil May Cry is a game that almost everyone will enjoy and want to play over and over again.