A masterpiece of swordplay and gunplay the mixture of both world while throwing in some sick demon powers and you got...
User Rating: 7.3 | Devil May Cry (Platinum) PS2
a game DmC is one of the best games i've ever played on my Ps2 it had a thrilling story unmatched game play and a hot girls to the max DmC's gameplay kinda makes you think " is this a platformer or what?" the graphic in the game could have been a little bit better but hell beggers can't be choosers the boss battles in the game aren't that of a challenge not even the last boss is all you have to do is just stand there put on guantlets and fire away at the guy with fire balls...thats it. this game i could say could have been a bit longer i finsh it in one day thats how easy it was but DmC 3 lighted up my heart when it was inpossible to beat and im not buying the speical edition im beating the one i got thank you (freaking jerks just trying to cash in on how hard the game is)