A challenging game totally worth your time spent on video gaming.

User Rating: 9.7 | Devil May Cry (Platinum) PS2
Devil May Cry follows a very simple gameplay: Slash and Shoot at everything you see. Many many many years after Mundus (sort fo the emperor of the Underworld) has been sealed away by Sparda, he resurfaces to take over the world. Dante (son of Sparda) goes on the quest to destroy the Underworld. basicaly, that is the story and your goal in the game. I won't say no more as you will uncover the rest by yourself while playing. The game itself is seperated in different missions, each with a purpose and a goal to achieve. How many missions there are is up to you to find out.

The game plays very well, though many people will complain about the control layout. You use the Triangle button to jump, O is used for melee attacks, Square and X are both used for firing your gun (while holding R1) and X is also used to explore (sort of the action button). It might sound awkward, but it isn't all that hard to get used to the controls. Note that you can't block in this game, instead, you will have to evade enemies attacks by either rolling to the sides or jumping bac and forth and stuff. You can double jump off of walls as well as directly off of the enmies themselves. You can also activate a Devil Trigger (L1), giving you super powers (sort of) and of the 2 main weapons have their own special attacks while in DT, but it ain't that easy as your DT gauge needs to filled before you can use it. Throughout the game you will find different weapons which all have their own advantages and disadvantages. It really depends upon your personal tastes on which one is the best for whichever action or part of the game. You can upgrade 2 of these weapons (Alastor and Ifrit..it's up to you to discover what each are) by using Red Orbs and purchasing the upgrades with them. Red Orbs can be collected by defeating enemies and they can also be scattered through the levels. You can also purchase many different items such as ones to heal yourself, replenish your Devil Trigger gauge (it also replenishes when striking enemies), make yourself invulnerable and a bunch of other stuff. So the basics of the game are all there in this long paragraph.

The music of the game is pretty fast driven and fits perfectly with the style of gameplay. It's hard to describe this type of music, just know that when enemies are near, it will make you actually want to destroy everything, while when there is nothing happening, the music remains calm and kind of eery. Sometimes the music might even send chills down your spine! Sound effects are a must in this game, open your ears, as SE's will make you know everything that's going around you. It will help you dodge the attacks driven towards you, so be sure to keep your ears open for them.

Storywise the game doesn't offer much in my opinion. You'll pass the time just wanting to kill some evil spirits rather than wanting to know what's going to happen in the story. None the less it is pretty well executed and it shouldn't be too hard for someone to follow what's going on in Dante's adventure. The story is pretty straightforward, though they are still some surprises left for you to discover and I must admit it was something I've never expected to happen. I won't tell you, that'd be one hell of a spoiler..ask in the boards if you want to know cause you won't get it out of me.

I think most of the game have been described fairly well in my review, without giving you too much. If you knew absolutly everything then you wouldn't have the joy of seeing it all for yourself. A couple last things that could of been improved are the options. The simple option of changing the button layout. I don't mind it personally, since I loved the default layout, but many MANY people whine about it and if there would of been such an option, the forum boards wouldn't filled with complainers who can't take the time to get used to the controls. Basicaly that's my only complain: whiners. The difficulty is also something to consider, as this game can be very challenging. There is an automatic easy mode that engages itself after you died a few times in the first 5 missions or something..so if you find it too hard, die a few times in the first mission and you should be alright. There are unlockable difficulties and other stuff I am not sure of. Hope this review could give you an idea and make you want to play the game, cause this is definately not a game to ignore the existence of. As I was told before I bought this game "not having played DMC is a sin", and damn were they right!