A terrific game and couldn't call myself a gamer without owning it

User Rating: 9.5 | Devil May Cry (Platinum) PS2
Devil May Cry, this is a such a fun action game with a free flow to it that really improves the game play. You play Dante a half human half demon who hunts, demons for a living and wait for it the name of your shop is...Devil May Cry. You are approached by a woman that wants you to stop a powerful demon, the woman reminds Dante of his mother so he jumps on board. Then you slash and blast your way through hoards of demons with your trusty sword and hand-guns. Now this game is pretty cool because it gives you the option to melee fight if thats your choice or gunsling with twin hand guns. Now you can upgrade both and find new weapons of each type along the way. I can't really think of anything bad to say about this game, I love the game play and the graphics are pretty cool. The stroy is pretty indepth and draws you i n pretty well. Over all Capcom has really hit home with this game and I dare say that without an action game like this we wouldn't have God of War.