Diablo II Lord of Destruction is by far the best role playing game ever made, or is the expansion to the best role playing game ever made that makes the two games the best ever. Why you may ask, well simply put, size. No other game is quite as large as these two games will ever be. There are 7 diffrent characters, each with their own unique skills. Around 30 of them. Each character has a diffrent main ability, the palidens use aroras to streangthen themselves, the barbarians just hack n slash everything they see, amazons use their bows to the best, and my favorite, the necromancer, raises skeletons to do his dirty work for him. Now these are just some of the posiblities of each character. They also have other skills that can be used for fighting, like the necromancer can also use bone spells that shoot stuff. The graphics are yes a little out dated, but they are pefect for this type of a game. Each enviroment is rich in detail. Each character has their own apperance and figure. Each enemy looks diffrent in size and color. The graphics are even better when there is so much going on at once. And because the graphics arnt the best, the game preforms on basicly any computer. The size is the biggest thing. The game is divided up into 5 Acts. Act one takes you through a grassland, forest, medievil type of thing. Act two takes you throught the desert and old desert ruins. Act 3 takes you to the jungle and an abandoned city. Act 4 takes you through the firey pits of hell. Act five takes you through the northern mountains and cliffs. The voice acting is also superb. So is the rest of the sound in the game. You will know what monsters are coming at you just by what sound they make. The top-down perspective is great, giving you full view of the action. Also you can toggle a map that is transparent and takes up the whole screen, you can see through it. The controls are perfect, you do 90% of the things with the mouse. You can make hotkeys for each spell, and look at all the menus with other hotkeys. The interface is easy to get used to and use. But the biggest part is the online play. It is just like the single player, just you can team up with 7 other people and destroy Diablo and his minons from hell. The difficulty is increased when there is more people playing the game, but more exp is given and better items are dropped when there are more people. There are 3 diffrent main difficulties. Normal, Nightmare, and Hell. You unlock Nightmare after you complete normal, and hell when you complete nightmare. The enemies in the higher difficulties are the same but 100 times more powerful. What you could kill when you are level 1 in normal act 1 you now need to be level 30 to kill in nightmare act 2 and around level 70 to kill in Hell mode. But the difficulty has its advantages, like more exp, and better weapons. In act 1 of nightmare you will find better weapons than act 5 in normal mode. This is the rpg ever rpg tries to live up to. If you have a computer, you dont even need the internet and you have $40. Get the battle chest that contains ,the original diablo, dibalo II, and diablo II lord of Destruciton, and a stratagy guide that is now completely useless because it is based off of a older version. GET THIS GAME. You probably have this game already but if you dont, GET THIS GAME.
Other Helpful Reviews for Diablo II: Lord of Destruction (Re-release)
Imagine yourself to be the strongest person in the world. You are a hero, you save people's life, stories are writen about you. Sounds nice no? Just imagine you just beat all the evil in the world, you saved the world re... Read Full Review
This review has been long overdure (9 years to be precise) This game holds a special place in my heart. Words cannot describe the complexity of the Diablo franchise. The lore and setting are some of the finest ever cr... Read Full Review