One of the BEST RPG/Horror games ever Made!
I got the CE on June 30, 2000. I paid $60 for the CE and it comes with:
>Four-CD game
>A 24-minute Diablo II movie on DVD and in letter-box format
>70-minute soundtrack
>And the D&D Diablo II pen-and-paper box set for playing D&D in the Diablo II setting.
I Love the game, it's More than 4 times longer than the Original Diablo.
It has 4 Acts with A lots of Dungeons and areas to venture into in each of the acts. The Music is Lonely, Haunting and scary putting you into the mood of the game.
It doesn't have the Best graphics, but the Cinematics are Amazing, Top-notch.
Gameplay is Amazing! It's long and Challenging. Great loot drops and Unique items that you can get addicted to find better ones.
Depends on the class you play, you need different strategies for each class. And Monsters are packed...So don't think this game is easier than most other RPGS.
What else can I say? Check the game out for yourself!