Absolute Masterpiece, one of the best games EVER!

User Rating: 10 | Diablo II PC
When I first played the game I didn't like it very much, i even got bored by it. Now I know better because if you keep playing it you really get sucked in the game and it gives you a great feeling with the killing and stuff, above that it also has a fine story and good graphics (for it's time). The different classes make online team play really fun and exciting and the 3 levels of difficulty make the game very long-lasting! It exists like 8 years from now and still a lot of ppl are playing it! That means it's great, I recommend it to all the people who like hack 'n slash games, and all the fans of Diablo I of course.

Gameplay: 9,5/10
Sound: 10/10
Value: 10/10
Online play: 10,5/10
I suggest all who own it, play it again! And who doesn't own it, go get it, it's worth it! See you all in Diablo II !!