this game was highly addictive i played this game for around a year before it even got a little boring This game for its age had the graphics the gameplay and all i belive this one of the best rpg's ever and almost nuthing came short in the awsome and beautiful rpg! In this game u had to fight baal the devils brother who u kiled in the original game ! and yeah u get the point The best thing of this game is the multi ;plyaer u get to trade items and give ur charcter expireice and the higher u go the more powerful ur cahacter becomes! And this game is just hard to explain its just reall really fun!
Other Helpful Reviews for Diablo II: Lord of Destruction (Re-release)
Imagine yourself to be the strongest person in the world. You are a hero, you save people's life, stories are writen about you. Sounds nice no? Just imagine you just beat all the evil in the world, you saved the world re... Read Full Review
This review has been long overdure (9 years to be precise) This game holds a special place in my heart. Words cannot describe the complexity of the Diablo franchise. The lore and setting are some of the finest ever cr... Read Full Review