A good sequel to a great game.

User Rating: 7.5 | Diablo II PC
I picked this game up at a super-market for a cheap price some time ago.
I really liked the first game so i thought why not. So i installed it on my pc and started playing. At the beginning the first thing i noticed was how bad the graphic was. But when i had played a while i didn't eaven think about it.
The game is basicly just about killing different monsters on different maps with different kind of attacks. That may not sound like alot of fun but it is the great amount of ways to kill the monsters that is interesting. You can choose between five different classes. You can play as a Barbarian, Paladin, Sorceress, Amazon or my personal favorite the Necromancer. In the first game the biggest differense between the classes were the beginning stats. You could train a fighter to use magic and a sorcerer to use mele weapons. In Diablo 2 every class has an own unique skilltree where the player can choose how to spend the skill points they get from leveling. Most of the skills are quite interesting and fun to use. If you play as a Barbarian you get powerfull mele skills like bash and leap attack and as the necromancer you can learn to resurect the dead to fight for you.

The game is not entirely about bashing monsters. There are actually some quests involved. Some are interesting but most is about colecting different items and then combinding them in the end of the act (The game is divided into 4 acts). In Diablo 1 the quests were randomly selected so that you didn't play the same quests over and over again. In Diablo 2 this is not the case. You play through the same quests every time you play and that eventually gets boring if you start alot of new characters.

The multiplayer feels like a big part of the game. I have tryed playing online but it didn't feel very special. I can imagine that it can be great fun if you play with someone you know but playing with complete strangers does not apeal to me. Like if you want to gain a few levels just by killing some monsters you can find that someone already killed all the monsters or already did the quest that you were trying to complete

I have done some complaining about this game but it's not bad really. It's a fun and adictive game that can keep you playing for hours. I can understand the hardcore diablo 2 players that has finnished the game with every class on every difficulty but that kind of gameplay does not apeal to me. If you are the kind of player that like to experiment and test different character styles and invent your own style of gaming this is a game for you.

Compared to the first game Diablo 2 never really comes close in my opinion. Diablo 2 is focusing on technical matters such as skills classes and multiplayer but lacks the mysterical and dark atmosphere of the first game that made you want to continue venturing deeper into the labyrinth.