It's been a while since I've left a review but I feel Blizzard and their version of Diablo III deserve my perspective. First, I have played countless hours of Diablo 2 and LOD and have enjoyed every second of it. Ten plus years later, here's Diablo III. A no brainer right? Here's the question, in what world are we living in where buying a $65 hard copy of the game is obsolete? In what world does installing a game from disk require 20GB of additional download? Translated by my Verizon DSL, it's 5+ days of nonstop annoying download! THEN, to really achieve the feel of the perfection that was Diablo 2, I need to spend $40 more on a crap expansion?? SMFD! Specifically, SMFD Blizzard! Really, have at it you cheats.
I'm very happy for those who have finally found solstice with the new update. $105 for the game that should have been is pure ludicrous to me. Back in the day you used to be able to buy a game and PLAY IT! Now, I buy a game and wait five days for it to download. Ah, America at it's finest. Profit first, fans later. The next time I buy a blizzard game remind me to cut my D off.
Those reading will be like, whaaaa? You haven't even played ROS? Hell no! MY BUTT RAPING BY GAME COMPANIES ENDS HERE. Release a friggin' game when its done. Not three years before, you cash grabbing corporate farts! The live exchange ended before it started and now I'm to pay for that? F FU. I want my $65 back. Diablo 2 still holds up compared to a decade of advanced technology. We're still talking about a mad click to the finish aren't we? BOOOOO. BOOOOO Blizzard. I'm sure your CEO makes millions while the developers make D. Your product is D. I apologize to all the fans and myself for this rant. It didn't have to be this way. BOOOOO! BOOOOO Blizzard!