Flashy but somewhat lacking substance
Skill using seems kind of flashy and interesting to look at, but why abolish normal attacks. It makes no sense that a monk wielding swords cannot slash enemies, monks can only use their fist/kicks to attack. A witch doctor holding an axe is attacking in ranged mode by throwing jars. Ability damage scales with weapons, pretty good idea, but why would holding an axe on witch doc increase the damage of the spider summons? Things just doesn't quite make sense.
Following through the quests/story is extremely linear now. I used to get lost in diablo 2 every now and then trying to find something. But no need to fret, in diablo 3, places are always blocked off and inaccessible until you finished the quest in order. Now it becomes a go to place a, kill/talk to person, go to place b, report, end quest, and start next one. Rinse and repeat. The world of diablo 3 just felt a lot smaller when they did this.
Frequent checkpoint saves are pretty good to appeal to the leisure players. There will a checkpoint so often that you will not need to run to where you died taking any more than a minute or two.
Once you get to inferno, you will realize how annoying it is. Imagine facing a group of invulnerable minion, jailer, mortar, teleport, extra healthed enemy. As much as i love to kite for the next 20 min and hope they don't jail mortar me to death... The possible combinations for unique mobs gets to be really over the top. "suppose to be hard" or "suppose to farm in previous act for gear" sounds alright except for hardcore players to die in act 1 inferno because best act 4 hell mode items cannot compete with act 1 inferno gears or enemies. You can avoid all this pain by simply running away when u see such a group and restart game. There are aspects of the game where people are not meant to live. So for hardcore players, this is something you need to look out for when playing hardcore mode.
Regardless, the graphics is not bad. Like the old diablo, right/left click to use skills on enemies, slight draw back is you get around 10 sec cool down (even on basic attack skill) if you change skill or runes (modification of skill, generally comes as increase damage/splash/slow/stun etc etc). The game play is solid. For those who like leisure games, this is an alright addition. Might want to hold off on buying for a few days because of how server is so unstable due to massive influx of players.